Victoria Farrell Joins the Downtown Suites Team

victoria-resized.jpgI am excited to be part of the Downtown Suites Sales Team. As a realtor I believe that it is important to have an in depth knowledge of the area in which you are working. I have lived in Vancouver for the majority of my life and my finger is on the pulse of the city and the current market conditions. I have been here to witness all the changes to the Downtown area including the growth of Yaletown/ False Creek North and the new development properties; which have changed our skyline.

My clients include a variety of individuals from local to overseas investors. I help them to purchase and sell a variety of properties from million dollar penthouse suites to modest one bedroom suites. I treat all of my clients equally with integrity, confidentiality and respect. Whether you are thinking about buying or selling a condominium suite or an investment property; I will assure that your needs are met successfully in a professional and honest manner.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like to discuss current market conditions, or if you would like a current market analysis of your property. The reason that I am in the Real Estate industry is that I truly want to help people to succeed in meeting their goals.

I look forward to hearing from you.
