Owners Appreciate Our 24/7 Service

At Downtown Suites, we treat your property as if it were our own, and we always go the “extra mile” for our clients – both owners and renters. Looking out for the interests of the owners is our first priority, and we do everything we can to ensure that suites are kept rented with good solid tenants in place. We ensure that the suites are consistently well-maintained, and that the ongoing arrangement is a win-win for everyone involved.
Our 24/7 service gives both owners and renters peace of mind. At Downtown Suites, all this work is going on in the background, leaving the owners free to pursue their activities without worrying about their suites.
Sometimes, there can be intense requirements that demand a lot of us, and for this sort of situation we are at the ready.
We were very pleased to have received a glowing thank you card from one of our clients after just such a situation.
Dear Lisa, Margaret, Nic and many others DTS staff –
It was so awesome of you
and appreciated more
than words can say.
M. Tang, Vancouver
Owners can always count on our 24/7 service, and we pride ourselves in this sort of due diligence. But it’s especially gratifying when our hard work is noticed and appreciated.
After arranging a lease renewal at increased rent to keep rent at market, Lisa was pleased to receive the following appreciation: This is wonderful news Lisa. Thanks so much for your support. – CL
Other positive comments we received in the past month include:
Thank you Lisa and Nic, I appreciate all that your team has been done over the last few years. – EL
I want to thank you and all your staff for making our rental of the unit painless and easy. Regards, A.W.
In general, the 24/7 service we offer is just a little higher than industry standard – because we care. Over the years we’ve developed responsive relationships with our owners, so we are always happy to go the extra mile and offer much more than minimum service. Trusted, conscientious service with attention to details gives our owners that extra reassurance that their investment is in good hands.